"For the next fortnight, you are to be madly in love with me..."
After a difficult youth, ambitious London reporter Colin Goddard finally has security in his sights. He just needs Lady Ada Ellis, sister to a scandal-plagued duke, to share her family's secrets with his publication.
Once jilted, sharp-witted Ada now whiles away quiet days in the English countryside. Colin's arrival at her village coincides with a visit from Ada's onetime fiancĂ©—and so when the charming reporter approaches her, Ada proposes a bargain. If Colin will fake a relationship with her for two weeks, she'll tell him everything he wants to know.
She's grumpy and blunt; he's sunshine over secrets. They have different gifts and come from different worlds. But in their battle of wits and wills, they'll both win—if they lose their hearts...
This stand-alone novella was previously published in The Duke's Bridle Path.